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Logotypy od lewej do prawej: Fundusze Eropejskie Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Mazowsze serce Polski, Unia Europejska Europejskie Fundusze Sktrukturalne i Inwestycyjne
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Mazovia Development Forum with the honorary patronage of the Marshal of the Mazovia Region 2022/09/15

We are pleased to announce that the Marshal of the Mazovia Region has assumed honorary patronage of the 12th Mazovia Development Forum! This is the most important event dedicated to the role of the European Union in the region, organized by the Mazovian Unit of the EU Programmes Implementation. This year’s edition will be held on December 6-7 in Warsaw (in the stationary formula). Participation in the event is free of charge.


The 12th Mazovia Development Forum it will be:

  • a two-day, free event dedicated to the role of the European Union in the development of the region,
  • 3 thematic areas: the Mazovia Development Area, the Health Area and the Young Area,
  • inspiring debates with Polish and foreign experts organized on two stages,
  • interactive space for exchange of knowledge and experience,
  • workshops, simulations, development games, demonstrations and presentations,
  • a unique space aimed specifically at young residents,
  • announcement of the “Healthcare Leader – special edition of the Leader of Change” competition results.

Registration for the event will be launched later. We encourage you to visit the website and the profile of the Mazovia Development Forum in social media to be in touch with us!

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