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Logotypy od lewej do prawej: Fundusze Eropejskie Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Mazowsze serce Polski, Unia Europejska Europejskie Fundusze Sktrukturalne i Inwestycyjne
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Become a Partner of the 12th Mazovia Development Forum 2022/07/27

We invite you to co-create the Mazovia Development Forum – a great celebration of European funds in our region. The Mazovia Development Forum is the most important event devoted to the European Funds, organized every year by the Mazovian Unit for the Implementation of EU Programs. This year’s 12th edition will take place on October 26-27 (Wednesday-Thursday) at the Legia Stadium in Warsaw. The event will be held in the stationary formula. The forum is a space for talks and discussions about the effects of aid from the European Union and the opportunities that will be brought by the years to come. We invite local governments, institutions responsible for European programs, universities, entrepreneurs, non-governmental organizations, and student organizations to co-create the event. The recruitment of Partners for the event will last until July 29. We invite you to submit your activity proposals!


grafika promocyjna 12 FRM


The 12th Mazovia Development Forum is:

  • a two-day, free event devoted to the role of the European Union in the development of the region,
  • presentation of new possibilities of financing projects under the regional program European Funds for Mazovia 2021-2027
  • inspiring debates with Polish and foreign experts organized on two stages,
  • 3 thematic zones: Mazovia Development Zone, Health Zone and Youth Zone,
  • workshops and other activities in areas supported by European funds,
  • space for the exchange of knowledge and experience among administration, business, science and non-governmental sectors,
  • a unique space dedicated specifically to young inhabitants of Mazovia (pupils, students and graduates),
  • adjudication of the competition “Healthcare Leader – special edition of the Leader of Change” competition.


Who can become a Partner of the 12th Mazovia Development Forum?

As every year, we invite representatives of:

  • administration (including in particular institutions involved in the implementation of European funds),
  • business,
  • the scientific sector,
  • the non-governmental sector.
  • student self-governments and student organizations,
  • other entities working for education and increasing the role of young people in the social life and development of the region.


Possible forms of activity of the Partners of the Mazovia Development Forum


Among the proposals from entities aspiring to join the group of Partners of the event, there may be activities such as:

  • participation of the expert (s) in debates;
  • organization of the debate (however, if approved, the Organizer reserves the right to indicate and join the debate to an expert from the areas resulting from the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 and / or the regional program European Funds for Mazovia 2021-2027);
  • organization of an information and promotion stand with an area of up to 4 m2, with the intention of providing information / consultation for participants of 12FM;
  • organization of an exhibition and networking space with an area of more than 4 m2 with an offer of activities addressed to the participants of the event, e.g. consultations, workshops, group discussions, development games, competitions, simulations, shows, talks (proposing only consultations will consider the application in terms of an information and info-promo stand);
  • other activities promoting the effects of European funds.


Do you have an interesting idea to be active in this year’s edition of the Mazovia Development Forum? Read the regulations for selecting 12FRM Partners and fill in the application form. The form should be sent by e-mail at by July 29, 2022.


Read the documents:

  • Announcement about Partner recruitment
  • FRM Partner Recruitment Regulations
  • Application form
  • Template of FRM Partner’s Statement
  • Template of the Agreement on cooperation within the event
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