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Logotypy od lewej do prawej: Fundusze Eropejskie Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Mazowsze serce Polski, Unia Europejska Europejskie Fundusze Sktrukturalne i Inwestycyjne
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Become a Healthcare Leader in Mazovia! – Show the residents the effects of aid from the European Union 2022/07/27

Are you a beneficiary of European Funds in Mazovia? Are you active in the healthcare sector? Or maybe you participate in creating innovative solutions for the needs of medicine? We are looking for you! Submit your project today to participate in the special edition of the Leader of Change competition, in which we are looking for “Healthcare Leaders”. The competition is organized by the Masovian Unit for the Implementation of EU Programs. The event takes place under the honorary patronage of the Marshal of the Masovian Voivodeship and the Representation of the European Commission in Poland. The deadline for submitting applications is July 15th. The results of the residents’ internet voting will be announced during the 12th Mazovia Development Forum on October 26. Detailed information is available at


grafika promocyjna do plebiscytu Lider Ochrony Zdrowia edycja specjalna konkursu Lider Zmian


Once again, we are looking for the Leaders of Change made in Mazovia thanks to the help of the European Union. This time, the main theme of the competition is health, which is a matter particularly close to each of us. We invite beneficiaries of the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 who have implemented or are still implementing projects in one of the following areas:

  • Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic,
  • Diagnosis and treatment of patients (medical equipment),
  • Prevention and health programs,
  • E-services in the health sector,
  • Business innovations.

It will be the residents themselves who will decide who will be the winners during an online voting scheduled for September. The results will be announced in October during the first day of the 12th Mazovia Development Forum. What can you gain? Distinction amongst the entire region and extensive promotion within the framework of activities presenting the effects of aid from the European Union.


Submit your project to participate in the competition by July 15th!

We invite hospitals and other medical facilities, as well as local governments, non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs, to participate in the competition. In the case of category 1, applications may be submitted by Partners of non-competitive projects regarding the provision of hospitals and support for emergency medical teams in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the case of competition categories 2, 3, 4 and 5, project applications may be sent by the beneficiaries of EU funds themselves.

What do you have to remember about?

Applications for projects that have been completed or have reached at least 70% of implementation level by April 30, 2022 are accepted for participation in the competition.

Completed applications should be sent at by July 15, 2022

at 23.59.

The regulations and the application form are available at

We invite you to participate!


About European Funds for Mazovia

The European Union supports the sustainable development of Mazovia. Co-financing of projects from the funds of the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020 has already exceeded PLN 8.2 billion. This support in the implementation of over 5.6 thousand. investments of local governments, business, scientific and non-governmental sectors. There are more opportunities ahead of us that will be brought by the Regional Program: European Funds for Mazovia 2021-2027. Detailed information on support options is available at

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