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Logotypy od lewej do prawej: Fundusze Eropejskie Program Regionalny, Rzeczpospolita Polska, Mazowsze serce Polski, Unia Europejska Europejskie Fundusze Sktrukturalne i Inwestycyjne
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Jelena Drenjanin

Member of the European Committee of the Regions, Member of Huddinge Municipality Assembly, Sweden

Expert in the “Hitting the Reefs or Building Bridges? – Education for Future Challenges” debate


Jelena Drenjanin is a Swedish politician and a member of a Huddinge Municipality assembly. She is also a member of the European Committee of the Regions, President of the Governance Committee at Council of Europe, as well as CEO of the JEDIN Consulting.


Jelena Drenjanin is a well experienced leader (now as part time politician and part time running own company) who is used to work as an executive manager within a wide range of areas. That includes local-, national-, and supranational policymakers, and NGO’s with business- and policy issues spanning both the consumer and commercial business environment. She has the experience of working with leading executives from other countries and cultures worldwide, where she utilizes Her competence of knowing how to build and maintain suitable and sustainable relationships out of both cultural and also gender perspective.

She has the needed business acumen in order to give her the ability of being flexible and at the same time still maintain strong judgment and decision making skills. She can therefore identify and understand key aspects pertaining to corporate operations in legislative and regulatory proposals, understand business implications, and synthesize policy documents for different stakeholders by using the ability to influence, negotiate and persuade others by use strong communication skills. She perceives learning and development as a lifelong journey in which she thrives of being in a social and fast-paced environment.


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